For After Hours Emergencies:
Call 228-205-4101
Rates Changed June 1, 2024
After an extensive rate study was conducted by an outside agency, it was determined by the PRCUA Board of Directors that an increase or adjustment in rates and fees was needed. Rates have not been increased since June of 2021. In the years since there has been a significant increase in the costs associated with Fuel, Replacement Parts, Required Treatment Chemicals, Required Testing and the Required Expansions Associated with Community Growth. In order to properly maintain PRCUA systems and ensure consistent support to PRCUA customers the increases were required.
Next Board Meeting
Thursday, February 20, 2025 @ 5:00pm
921 Goodyear Blvd, Picayune, MS

Annual Consumer Confidence Reports are Available at

Smoke Testing Under Way in Picayune
October 19, 2021
Picayune, MS
Pearl River County Utility Authority will begin smoke testing throughout the City of Picayune starting immediately and lasting for several weeks.
Smoke testing is a cost effective tool to identify defects in the sewer collection piping system and nuisance points of rainwater infiltration. Data collected from smoke testing will be added to digital mapping systems and used to prioritize point repairs and future rehabilitation projects.
Door hangers will be placed at nearby homes and businesses at least one day prior to testing. Testing will occur between 8:00am and 4:00pm. The testing will involve opening manholes and filling the sewer lines with non-toxic smoke.
The smoke should not enter your home or building unless the building has defective plumbing or your drain traps are dry or leaking. We recommend that you flush all toilets and run water down all sinks, tubs and laundry drains prior to the testing period to make sure that all drain traps contain enough water to prevent smoke from entering your home or business. If smoke does enter your home or building, you should open windows and doors to dissipate the smoke.
Since 2008, through a combination of grants, loans, and regular budgeting, PRCUA has spent over $45 million repairing, rehabbing, or replacing the 60+ year-old Picayune sewer collection and treatment system, equating to over $10,000 per customer connection.
About Pearl River County Utility Authority:
Pearl River County Utility Authority (PRCUA) is a public utility responsible for managing and coordinating water resources and wastewater treatment throughout Pearl River County. PRCUA owns and manages 3 water well facilities, 9 wastewater treatment plants, and provides water and/or sewer utility services to approximately 15,000 residents of Pearl River County.

Online Bill Payment
This option should be used for PRCUA direct bill customers only.
Please note: City of Picayune water customers should not pay here and follow this link to the City’s bill payment site.
New GIS Mapping System
PRCUA recently implemented a new GIS mapping system for its utility system across Pearl River County. “GIS” is an acronym for Geographic Information System. The system allows all water & sewer utility lines, pump stations, force mains, fire hydrants, etc. to be geo-located on a “living” map with an accuracy of 1 meter or less. The system is hosted on ESRI’s ARCGIS online platform and can be viewed by our team on desktop and mobile devices.